Why needed this
We have lots of records that is in JSON format.We can use MySQL for storing it.But to process (Read/Write/Manipulate/Parse) data we either needed to build some library in PHP;i.e. not going to perform well for large data(Personal Perception).
So in my search i come to know about this MySQL library(UDF) that provides same feature to process JSON data;i.e. going to be faster in respect to some library i.e. builded on PHP(Personal Perception)
Instatllation Step
This not includes compilation part.
Machine is x64 and MySQL version is 5.6.17
1)It can be downloaded from
(As warned in that page not fit for production.So use it on production on your own risk)
wget 'http://downloads.mysql.com/snapshots/pb/mysql-json-udfs-0.3.2/mysql-json-udfs-0.3.2-labs-json-udfs-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz'
2)tar -xzf mysql-json-udfs-0.3.2-labs-json-udfs-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz
3)It is better to read README file inside extracted directory
4)Copy so file to the plugin directory
cp libmy_json_udf.so /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/.
5)Login into mysql.Execute following query
CREATE FUNCTION json_valid RETURNS integer SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_search RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_extract RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_replace RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_append RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_remove RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_set RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_merge RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_safe_merge RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_deep_merge RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_contains_key RETURNS integer SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_depth RETURNS INTEGER SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_count RETURNS INTEGER SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_version RETURNS STRING SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION json_test_parser RETURNS string SONAME 'libmy_json_udf.so';
6)Test it
>SELECT json_valid('{"a":1}') ;
| json_valid('{"a":1}') |
| 1 |